Howard B. Becker
Christian Author – Business Owner – Bible Teacher

I was born to a Jewish father and a Catholic mother. My mother converted to Judaism when I was very young, yet she instilled a deep respect for the teachings and traditions of Christianity within our family. At that time, little did I know that this religious combination would create the foundation for my writing to you today.
As most Jews study the Old Testament and attend Sabbath services, so did I. These led me to feel a deep bond with God during my youth and teen years. Nevertheless, by my early twenties I had drifted away from religious thought and practice altogether. What took their place could best be described as an immersion in self-centered thoughts, selfish desires, and their corresponding egotistical behaviors. Everything was about me, worldly success, and the pleasures of life.
During my mid-twenties I experienced circumstances which stopped me in my tracks. They brought me to a startling realization that there was something much greater to life than anything I had been willing to acknowledge. That humbling awakening led me to seek sensible answers about what that “something” was, and about what it implied for the way I was living my life.
My search began with examining and reexamining various philosophies and religions, both ancient and current. I visited many houses of Christian and Jewish worship, attending their services and speaking with their ordained leaders. All those experiences were beneficial in some ways, but perplexing in many others. The many factions of Christian and Jewish beliefs I encountered, all claiming to be exclusively correct, left me wanting.
As I considered all the religious differences I encountered, certain Principles became apparent which united the best of all of them into One. I came to recognize these were the age-old Principles of Righteousness expounded in the Bible from Beginning to End. I recognized that they formed the foundation for all the Good existing and perpetuating within humanity.
I also came to realize that these Principles override any differences between us—you and I included—and are indispensable for our individual and collective mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. I began to understand that these Principles are the Keys to unlocking our full potential to receive the incomparable Blessings that God has prepared for us to share in
with Him and with one another since the beginning of time.
Matthew 6:33
“But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
I have advanced degrees in psychology and business management, and over 25 years of teaching experience as a California Community College instructor and as a senior adjunct faculty member at California Lutheran University. I am also the founder, owner and manager of a multi-million-dollar business that produces specialized automotive vehicles for some of the very best known and most important people in the world today. My customers include high ranking government officials, top Wall Street executives, Silicon Valley notables, heads of movie and music studios, owners of NFL football teams, Royal family members and celebrities from all walks of life. I have written The Spiritual Meaning of Scripture to act as a vehicle for very important people— like you—for your spiritual journey ahead. My deepest hope is that it will transport you to a place where you will find deep and lasting value about the spiritual meaning, Intent and Purpose of Scripture for the rest of your life, as it has mine.
I call California home and have been happily married to my wonderful wife for 43 years. I have been Gifted with an exceptional son, a brilliant daughter, a remarkable daughter-in-law, and two amazing grandchildren. I am convinced beyond any doubt that I would have never experienced the joy and happiness of my family, and the many other incomparable Blessings in my life if I had not heeded the Message that Christ has Given to all of us to cherish and apply to the Way we live our lives. I am equally convinced that endless arrays of incomparable Blessings await all who are also willing to take His Message to heart.
The Spiritual Meaning of Scripture makes no demand to belong to a particular religious denomination. You will find no ulterior motive for organizational or institutional recruitment. It simply explores spiritual Principles that are timeless, common and invaluable to you … to all of us. It identifies and educates as to what matters most in life.
Most likely, you will have favorite Scriptural entries. I highly recommend treating them as devotionals for everyday living. With all my heart, I believe this book will help you tremendously in your relationship with your Maker, and with everyone around you.