Gaining spiritual understanding about the meaning of the Lord’s Testimony to you is life altering. It Enlightens your sense of reason while Inspiring you to develop into the person that you are capable of becoming. In the Old Testament the Truth of that understanding is described as an “Eternal Light” placed above the altar of your life; (Exodus 27:20-21 and Isaiah 60:19-20). In the New Testament that Truth is described as “The Light of men”; (John 1:4 and Revelation 22:5). Receiving that understanding gives Purpose to everything you think, feel, and do. And so, the Lord asks you to trust in Him by relying on what He has been teaching us since the beginning of human inception. As you willingly do so He Promises that what He will bring forth within you will be nothing less than Marvelous in your eyes, (Psalm 118:23).
“And God said, Let there be Light: and there was Light.”
“And God saw the Light, that it was Good: and God divided the Light from the darkness.”
Genesis 1:3-4
“Have ye not known? Have ye not heard? hath it not been Told you from the Beginning? have you not understood since the foundations of the earth?”
Isaiah 40:21