Howard B Becker


Opening a door for understanding God’s Purpose for the Creation and Evolution of your Soul.

Howard B Becker


Opening a door for understanding God’s Purpose for the Creation and Evolution of your Soul.

Religion and The Ten Commandments in Public Schools


Considerable public attention is being generated by the State of Louisiana legislating the posting of the 10 Commandments in all public-school classrooms.

Additionally, Oklahoma’s Board of Education is garnering national attention by requiring public-school instruction about the Bible.


In the 1980 case Stone v. Graham, the Supreme Court ruled that a Kentucky law requiring the posting of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms violated the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause. The Establishment Clause prohibits laws that establish religion or prohibit its exercise. The court’s decision was based on the 1971 Lemon v. Kurtzman case, which established a test to determine if a law violates the Establishment Clause. Lemon v. Kurtzman held that all laws must have a “secular legislative purpose”


On June 21. 2022, In Carson v. Makin, the US Supreme Court held for the first time that a state must fund religious activity as part of an educational aid program.

The First Amendment states: 

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”


Without establishing any one religion, teaching the Ten Commandments in public schools provides a great opportunity for students to explore fundamental Principles that serve their mental and emotional wellbeing. Most especially it offers them an opportunity to discuss Principles that value forgiveness, honesty, fidelity, trustworthiness and selflessness above all else.  

These timeless Principles give students guidance for healthy thought, feeling and behavior towards others, as well as offering guidance for the development of their own sense of integrity and goodness. The opposite should be discussed about the effects they cause within the minds and hearts of those who choose to ignore the importance of these Principles for application to life. 

These fundamental Principles define the lessons of ancient Wisdom. They form norms that promote decency, respect, and shared values among families, societies and nations. Ultimately, they have the potential to promote peace, internal happiness and genuine fulfillment for generations to come. They serve the good of our country. Thereby they serve a most important secular purpose.

For these reasons the Ten Commandments should be taught and studied in public schools. Not to establish any one single religion, but to bring the best that all religions have to offer to the forefront for discussion among our youth. 

Preventing the need for public school discussion about these subjects short changes our students’ need to reason about why and how they should live their lives. Allowing them to study these subjects objectively, without bias, provides a path for introspection and personal growth about the most important things of all.


Why Teaching The Ten Commandments in Public Schools is So ImportantSeries

Join Dr. Bruce Oliver in this compelling episode of Talks for Christ as he engages with Mr. Howard B. Becker, a distinguished author, educator, and business leader. Together, they explore the significance of teaching Biblical principles in public schools, focusing on the enduring relevance of the Ten Commandments.

Part 2: Teaching The Ten Commandments in Public Schools

Continue with Dr. Bruce Oliver in this compelling episode of Talks for Christ as he engages with Mr. Howard B. Becker. Together, they explore the significance of teaching Biblical principles in public schools, focusing on the enduring relevance of the Ten Commandments.