Howard B Becker


Opening a door for understanding God’s Purpose for the Creation and Evolution of your Soul.

Howard B Becker


Opening a door for understanding God’s Purpose for the Creation and Evolution of your Soul.

Blog: Spiritual Understanding

Published work, ephemera, and Spiritual understanding.

  • The Greatest Therapist of All

    The Greatest Therapist of All

    Your mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing are predicated upon your ability to gain innermost happiness and genuine fulfilment in life. As a Loving God, the Lord only wishes to save you from the causes that would otherwise prevent you from receiving and retaining them. You only need to be wise enough, brave enough, and humble enough…

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  • Where Your Treasure is

    Where Your Treasure is

    Although your life in this world may seem long to you, in the end it will seem to have gone by very quickly. That awareness, plus realizing that the choices you make in this life will have consequences in the life to come allows you to recognize the Greatest Opportunity of your lifetime. You should…

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